The first screen contains two tabs: 'auto client' in this tab you can modify the parameters that the bot uses for auto-login and the automatic opening of the multiclient. To change the settings just click on the client from the list and immediately afterwards in the button Edit client when you click on Edit you will open two screens, one is used to configure the bot that allows the opening and login of your account automatically, mind the other to configure the parameters of the minigamer bot. The bot has the ability to change the settings of each individual client, in fact, it manages each client in parallel and independently from the other. From this follows that the number of supported clients is totally dependent on the power of the PC in use, the advice I can give you is to realize the power of your pc and do not overdo it with the addition of clients otherwise you would end up failing to give the bot the resources needed to complete even one level. Physically, this is not possible because each computer has a power that, though vast, is always limited. The bot has been programmed, in theory, to be able to use infinite Nostale clients in parallel. (if you want to look into the issue to find out why antivirus products point to compressed executables, I suggest you read something about executable packers like ) Once you load the Minigamer bot from the loader you will find this screen: The main interface of the bot is structured in two tabs, the first 'oopus' is a welcome tab where you can find information about your account, while the other 'clients' contains a list of Nostale clients you set. As the Minigame bot, along with all the apps on this site, has been packed (so that by using a decompiler it is not possible to trace back to the original source code) you must disable your antivirus and add the C: ProgramData oopus.nostale folder to the exceptions of your antivirus to use the bot. Find download and loader instructions here. This bot is Loader-dependent, so if you want to open it and use it, you must first download our Loader and launch it from there. Hello, welcome to the official guide of our minigame bot for Nostale! Before you start I recommend that you follow this post carefully, even though the bot is structured in such a way as to make it easy to use, you may have problems the first time.